
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Professional Learning Log November 2013

SD57 had some great professional development opportunities on our Nov 29th Pro-D Day.

Taking kids outside for nature-based learning, presentation & discussion on project-based learning, exploring and addressing the reality of poverty, bootcamp for TTOCs, assistive technology... just a sample of the events promoted across the district. There were lots of workshops and organized PD that were site-based, or part of small groups, and a SmartLearning literary focus for one "family of schools." No doubt many individual teachers stuck it out alone, catching up on professional reading, taking a closer look at teaching & learning problem, or conducting inquiry. Maybe you made something, or taught somebody something, or challenged your own thinking.

Outside of our inner circles, we so seldom hear from each other about our professional learning on Pro-D days... it would be great to hear what you got up to on Friday. Consider leaving a comment below that describes briefly what you learned or got out of the Nov 29th Pro-D Day, and maybe a bit about the context.


Thielmann said...

I attended the Project-Based Learning seminar at PGSS. Heard from a boy-genius from Calgary who, with a team, designed a whole system of learning (including a state-of-the-art school) as a Grade 8 project. After the BBQ lunch, we sat around a table and griped about how tough it is to actually make space for PBL in our classes and schools. Great conversation all day, though.

Rhea Woolgar said...

I spent my morning with a small group at KRSS, our three minis sessions were on the district's e-resources, using Twitter for professional development and Google docs and forms. Great morning. I spent my afternoon with a colleague having a professional conversation about how to have professional conversations.

Jason Kadonaga said...

I was also at the PBL seminar at PGSS. I EdCamped with a group of other Teacher-Librarians and a Math teacher. Reflected on a lot of my growing pains with PBL and offered ideas to try. I plugged Steve Chase and probably filled his schedule a whole bunch. Hopefully he will have more time to help me out some more.

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